How Small Businesses can help the Black Lives Matter movement.
Hi everyone,
I wanted to compile a blog on what businesses can do to help support the Black Lives Matter movement - i also have an IGTV video on this on my instagram if you want to watch that too.
You have to be genuine. We have now seen the falls of companies that people know that they are not going to do anything after the initial buzz around it - you need to provide a plan that is workable for you and your business and then make it happen.
You will lose followers. This is a good thing. Do you want your customers to be on the same level as your values?
Be brave. Stand up for your beliefs and don’t be afraid to put your business out there. Now is not the time to be shy.
Donate. You can donate to many charities who are literally on the front line of this. Make sure you do your research too.
Show black faces and voices on your social media feeds. Hire black people. Work with black influencers. Get them to do a takeover or a live of your platform. Integrate this into your content strategy so it never gets forgotten about.
Buy from black businesses and highlight them on your feed and in your highlights. There are so many great businesses out there and part of supporting your fellow small businesses is supporting black owned businesses too.
Educate. Do a video or written post about racism in your industry and your privilege. Talk honestly and openly and invite discussion.
Educate yourself. Set aside time to figure out what your business can do to help and create a strategy around that. Let your followers know how they can help too.
This is a non exhaustive list and I hope that you will let me know your thoughts and suggestions too so we can all work together.