Why should you be on Social Media anyway?
There are a lot of reasons to be on Social Media for your business right now. Yes it is an added extra to the huge list you have on the daily (including getting a haircut and doing your tax return) but it is such an important part of your marketing strategy.
I have talked to many small businesses that have only just embraced it, but before it was about the fear of what to do. It can get very overwhelming to pick a platform, decide what to talk about, and go for it. However if you devote a space of time a week to your social media, you will start to see conversions.
Without further ado, here are some reasons.
It’s FREE!!
Yes it’s all free. Yes you do have to pay for ads but you can do so much without paying - even though they will try get you to spend money at every turn. You can build up a customer base, reach new customers, showcase your product or service, host a Facebook live event, run polls, and more all for free. If you want the extra push that ads and boosted posts give you, then by all means. But if you are a small business with an even smaller budget, just work with what your chosen platform gives you. And that is a LOT.
2. You can help your brand gain a personality.
Are you a funny brand? Serious? Informative? Silly? What colours are your brand? Through images, video, and copy you can help people get to know your brand and what it’s about. Some brands deal exclusively in pink images, some have a joke every post, some do thorough and indepth captions.
3. You can talk to your customers and they have direct access to you.
Social Media, is first and foremost, all about engaging with people. The algorithms of all the major Social Media support accounts that actively engage with it’s audience and build meaningful connections. This means you need to actively devote time to talking to your clients, commenting on their posts, and being quick to answer their questions and messages. This will help you learn more about your clients and offer them better and better service.
4. You will transform your followers into unofficial brand advocates. This means that if your clients love your product or service, they will talk about it with their friends, whether online or in real life. They will tag friends in your posts, recommend your page to friends on Facebook, and send your Instagram page to friends over a message. This is earned coverage, and means more to your business as it is more of a genuine source.
5. Social Media is the easiest Conversion Platform you can get.
If you have your content plan focused on showing off your image, products, and tone of brand in a genuine way, you will get people getting to know, then like, then buy your product/service. As soon as someone follows your page and sees your posts, it may only take a day, or a week or more to convert, however because they are consistently reading your posts and watching your videos, you are reinforcing in their minds your business when they next come to purchase.
I hope you have enjoyed this blog, and make sure you get in contact with me on my social media, I’d love to hear what you thought of it!