How to Work from Home Effectively during COVID-19.
Long time no see everyone.
I thought I would write up a little blog on how to work from home, as I am now pretty much a professional in this!
Lets get real - it’s hard to work from home. Endless distractions, the fridge calling out to you, and housework needing done. Not to mention kids and pets! So I have compiled a non exhaustive list on how to work from home and get the most out of this time.
Have a routine.
My routine is - wake up at half seven, eat, exercise, shower, and be at my laptop at nine. I take regular breaks, and work towards set tasks for the day. Don’t think you have to work 9 - 5, you work until your goals for the day are done. This could mean that you finish earlier than you do at the office, and thats okay!
Designate a place that you work, preferably behind a closed door if you can. Make sure that everyone in the house knows that that is your space and when you work there, you are not to be disturbed.
Eat well. This does mean eat healthily, especially as we are restricted to an outing a day, but also treat yourself to something nice too. Think of making yourself cozy. Make a nice cup of tea. Look after yourself.
Dress for comfort. Make sure you do get up, shower and change into clothes, but make them comfortable. Even for a video meeting, you don’t have to show up in office wear - everyone is in the same boat! Stretchy trousers, loose tops, and slippers are the foundation of any home workers wardrobe
Set out time for your Mental health. If this means yoga, meditation, exercise, watching movies, you name it, make sure it is scheduled into your day. Now, more than ever we need to be vigilant about our mental health.
Do you have any more tips for us? Send me a DM!
T xx